All clubs must have a safety statement including specific and potential risks attached to the sport of archery. They should also have procedures in place for safeguarding against such risks. In addition clubs should:
- Ensure all activities are suitable for age and stage of development of participants.
- Keep a record of any specific medical conditions of the participants.
- Keep a record of emergency contact numbers for parents or guardians.
- Ensure any necessary protective gear is used.
- Ensure a First Aid kit is close at hand with access to qualified first-aider.
- Know the contact numbers of emergency services.
- Keep first aid kit stocked up.
- Ensure easy access to medical personnel if needed and have a emergency plan.
If an incident occurs, make a brief record of injury and action taken. Make a brief record of the problem/action/outcome. Contact the participants parents and keep them informed of all details.
Participants should know and keep the rules of the sport, keeping in mind that many rules are there for safety.
Leaders should hold appropriate qualifications required by the Irish Amateur Archery Association.
Ensure that activities organised are not in breach of the Irish Amateur Archery Association’s rules regarding training or competition and that they are therefore covered by the insurance policy of the Association.
Ensure parents or guardians are present at finishing time of sessions or events.
Physical Contact
Physical contact during the sport should always be intended to meet the child’s needs, NOT the adult’s.
If at all possible, physical contact should be avoided. An adult should only use appropriate contact when the aim is to assist in development of the skill or activity or for safety reasons, e.g. to prevent or treat an injury. This should be in an open environment with the permission and understanding of the participant.In general:
- Contact should be determined by the age and developmental stage of the participant – Don’t do something that a child can do for themselves.
- Never engage in inappropriate touching such as touching of groin, genital areas, buttocks, breasts or any other part of the body that might cause a child distress or embarrassment.
Guidelines on the use of Photographic and Filming Equipment
Each club should adopt a policy in relation to the use of images of athletes on their websites and other publications, as there have been concerns about the risks posed directly and indirectly to children and young people.
Adults and sports leaders need to work together to prevent those wishing to cause such harm to young people. Remember having photographic and filming guidelines is not about preventing parents from taking pictures, it is to ensure that only those who have a right to take photographs do so.
Anyone concerned about photography taking place at events or training sessions can contact the children’s officer/ designated person and ask them to deal with the matter. The purpose is to reduce the risk of inappropriate, unsolicited attention from people within and outside the sport.
Group photographs where the club is identified rather than individuals are good for publicity without creating a risk to those in the photographs.
As a guide try to remember the following:
- If the child is named, avoid using their photograph.
- If a photograph is used, avoid naming the child.
- Ask for the child’s permission to use their image to ensure that they are aware of the way the image is to be used to represent the sport.
- Ask for parental permission to use the child’s image to ensure that parents are aware of the way the image is to be used to represent the sport.
- A permission form should be used and an announcement made at the start of an event.
- To reduce the risk of inappropriate use, only use images of children in suitable dress.
- The content of the photograph should focus on the activity not on a particular child.
Talk to children’s officer/designated person if you are worried about use of images.
Amateur photographers/film/video operators wishing to record an event or practice session should seek accreditation with the children’s officer, event organiser or leader of session.
Permission forms should be available on site.
To ensure spectators and participants are informed of the policy, the organisers should display the following information prior to the start of an event and make an announcement to the same effect:
“In line with the recommendation in the Irish Amateur Archery Association’s Code of Conduct, the
organisers of this event request that any person wishing to engage in any video, zoom or close
range photography should register their details with the organisers. It is not advisable that children
are photographed or filmed without their permission and, or the permission of their parent or
guardian”.Working in Partnership to protect young people
Photographs, when used with personal information, can be used as a means of identifying children. This practice can make a child vulnerable to an individual who may wish to “groom” that child for abuse. Furthermore the content of the photo can be used or adapted for inappropriate use. There is evidence of this adapted material finding its way onto child pornography sites.
Adults and sports leaders need to work together to prevent those wishing to cause such harm to young people.
Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are often given to children for security, enabling parents to keep in touch and make sure they are safe. Young people value their phones highly as they offer them a sense of independence. In addition mobile phones allow quick and easy contact, which can make a safe and efficient way to carry out club business.
However such technology has also allowed an increase in direct personal contact with young people, in some cases used to cross personal boundaries and cause harm to young people.
Within clubs there is a need to encourage responsible and secure use of mobile phones by adults and young people.
As a young person remember:
- If you receive an offensive photo, email or message, do not reply, save it, make a note of times and dates and tell a parent or children’s officer/designated person within the club.
- Be careful about who you give your phone number to and don’t respond to unfamiliar numbers.
- Change your phone number in cases of bullying or harassment.
- Don’t use the phone in certain locations; inappropriate use of your camera phone may cause upset or offence to another person, e.g. changing rooms.
- Treat you phone as you would any other valuable item so that you guard against theft.
As a Leader remember:
- Use group texts for communication among athletes and teams and inform parents of this atthe start of the season
- It is not appropriate to have constant communication for individual athletes.
- Don’t use the phone in certain locations; inappropriate use of your camera phone may cause upset or offence to another person, e.g. changing rooms.
Video as a coaching aid
Video equipment can be used as a legitimate coaching aid. However, permission should first be obtained from the child and the child’s parent or guardian.
Anyone concerned about any photography taking place at events or training sessions should contact the organisers and ask them to deal with the matter.